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    Understanding & Managing Disabilities: What HR Professionals Need to Know Before it Matters

    Date: May 17, 2018, 11:30am
    Western Wyoming Community College
    Room 1333
    Rock Springs, WY
    $16 member/$21 nonmember
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    Understanding and managing disability can be difficult for human resource professionals for a variety of reasons ranging from knowing what is considered a disability to keeping up with ever-changing disability laws.  This complexity often means that HR professionals have a better understanding of what they can’t do, rather than what they can do, when it comes to applicants or employees with disabilities.  With a focus on understanding and managing disability before it matters, as would be the case if a disability discrimination claim is filed, this interactive session will provide an overview of relevant federal law and regulations, discuss emerging challenges and opportunities, and identify strategies and resources that will support HR professionals successfully manage disability in the workplace.


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